General life update + a song I like
Thursday the 7th of November, 2024

I fell off for a few years. Got a "Proper Job" that paid like shit and taught me not a lot. Now I have a retail job again that I enjoy that keeps me fit, takes up less time, and doesn't pay significantly less.
In the last few months, it went like this. June I'm addicted to Skyrim again. Unrelatedly my boyfriend and I break up. My "Proper Job" offers me training in their Australia office, which makes the choice to split up easier. I move home with my parents. Going to Australia in early August, they told me. In September they told me it might be January. I quit the job and move to Dundee instead.
I spend weeks finding a place, getting a place, furnishing a place. I then spend a few more weeks looking for jobs and trying to get myself together and get optimistic. I listen to Supersad by Suki Waterhouse and thrash my arms around to convince myself. I get a job. I run out of SSRIs for a week and go loopy. In my mania I start making my comic again, and I make my new website.
That's you caught up.
Vegyn music videos are very good. This song has been sticking to me for about a year in regular rotation. This is how I wish I danced, and I've been trying to in my new flat. My living room has a lot of space, so I like flailing around in it. Sod dancing actually, flailing is good enough.